We are all aware that Ohio, and the nation, are experiencing a shortage of school psychologists. While higher education is trying to address that need for the future, the Ohio Department of Education has recently issued a memo offering some suggestions to school districts to expand their traditional use of resources to better meet the immediate need.
In 2010, I was invited to bring my expertise and experience in clinical psychology to a local school district to offer a unique perspective in providing psychoeducational services and assessments for Evaluation Teams. In 2014, I partnered with a highly qualified, experienced educational consultant to add value and depth to our services. At that time, the MPS model of “school psychology services” was created and we have been providing a unique, efficient and cost-effective service delivery model since.
As ODE would endorse, we can offer school districts, and families, decades of combined experience in psychology, child development and learning, education and assessment, as well as the credentials, by specializing in the services requiring that expertise and limiting our time on tasks not requiring those credentials. It has become a cost-effective and efficient model for our client districts.
Our model was approved by ODE in 2011, has been applauded by high level educational leaders, successfully reviewed during ODE monitoring in multiple districts and we can provide highly qualified references!
ODE suggests “thinking outside of the box” to meet your school psychology needs. Let us help you open that lid! Give us a call.
Dennis Marikis, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
Jan Broomall, MS
Educational Consultant/Psychometrician
Multiple options for school psychology services are available:
Annual contract for your Evaluation Team Reports which includes:
- Psychoeducational assessments specified on the ETR planning documents exclusive of specified diagnostic assessments, i.e., PAL, FBA, Integrated Variability of Attention (IVA,) neuropsych assessments, etc.
- Consultation on ETR planning documents with distribution, consent and coordination to be completed by the District staff,
- Development of the ETR written report with extensive educational strategies and suggestions,
- Explanation to the ETR team including psychoeducational consultation with parents and teachers and presence/facilitation at the ETR meeting,
- Special Education Consultation for staff related to procedural and service delivery options,
- Contracted price per ETR dependent upon quantity, travel, infrastructure and special needs, as applicable.
- Independent Educational Evaluations or single use contracts: Includes the complete ETR package listed above; pricing will be based on needs, observations, additional assessments and/or reports.
- Individual need-specific psychological assessments priced accordingly, i.e., Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, individual IQ assessments for Gifted Services, grade level accelerations and other special needs.
- Professional Development seminars for educators on Growth Mindset, Executive Functioning, Impact of Trauma in the Classroom and Mindfulness.
- Special Education Consultation which may include:
- Organizational and procedural systems development,
- Grant writing and/or grant management.
- Cost per hour plus travel or negotiable arrangements for alternative needs.
- Individual or group counseling services available to your students and families.
- EAP services for your staff.
- Individual insurance and individual Medicare/Medicaid are not accepted.